The Commonwealth of Virginia's Ultimate Blog

Friday, December 30, 2005

Rolling Stone profiles "Rahmbo"

This is a fairly interesting Rolling Stone piece on Rahm Emanuel. Apparently he's the inspiration for The West Wing's Josh Lyman (I always figured he was more the Sam Seaborn), but many (including this Virginian) see him as the biggest threat to the GOP majority out there today.

"One thing I agree with Newt about," says Emanuel, "is that he knew you had to look and feel like someone voters could see in that leadership role before they'd put you there. We have to generate that feeling. We have to make people believe that if they give us the goddamn keys to the car, we're not going to hit the tree.

I still think Rolling Stone just drops random swear words into their quotes.

Good Value on a Virginia Education

Tuesday's Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star notes the increasing number of guaranteed admission agreements being secured by the Commonwealth's community colleges for her impressive four year institutions.

Transferring from community colleges has long been a back door into Virginia's traditional institutions of higher education for the best and brightest of students, generally those who have some other problem holding them back, like recent immigrants (including my uncle, who got into William and Mary from NVCC after not being accepted to any four year based upon his scores and credits from his mothercountry) and home schoolers.

I think this is a great thing. Of Rahm Emanuel's rip-off Contract with America agenda, my favorite concept is making post-secondary education as universal in this century as the high school diploma was in the last. I also think that drawing more qualified students into the community colleges of Virginia will have positive influences on the students there who are just pursuing their associate's.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Tiki Headed for Canton?

I love this article about Tiki Barber on and about how he has turned himself into one of the greatest players in football, as well as one of the most marketable. He will soon be joining the ranks of veteran player broadcaster almost assuredly or do almost anything else he wants whenever he chooses to retire, which I hope is not anytime soon because he just seems to be getting better and better.

Glad to see Tiki representing THE University so well. Keep it up fellow Hoo!

Friday, December 23, 2005

McSweeny on Pricing Transportation

Pat McSweeny's new column is another in his series breaking down and discussing the problem of sprawl. I feel very uneasy about what he suggests.
If Virginians want true efficiency, an assured source of revenue for roads and public transit is not the answer. It will lead to rigidity. The policy debate over congestion has proceeded in precisely the wrong direction. Rather than looking for more tax revenues, we should be dismantling the current funding arrangement and demanding that Congress do the same.

The only way to achieve a more efficient transportation system over the long term is to price transportation the way telecommunications and energy are priced. The old model may have worked tolerably well in a simpler time, but it is ill-suited to the ever-changing and increasingly complex mobility challenges we confront in metropolitan areas.

For decades, we have built government roads to accommodate scattered development. More people drive more vehicles on more trips over longer distances than last year. Without a radical change, we can expect that to worsen in the future.

Congestion of these roads is an example of the tragedy of the commons. Because everyone can use a road without a user charge, no one takes the cost of the road into account in deciding where to live, work or engage in any other activity requiring travel. Pricing of transportation that reflects its true value would contribute more to rational patterns of development than any set of government land use policies and regulations devised ever could.
In terms of the long distance commuters, everyone needs to understand that while a few high-flyin' fancy-pantsed tech guys with salaries topping 250K are buying houses out in Jeffersonton and making that commute to Reston, a good number of their neighbors are cops and public school teachers in Burke or Vienna who can't afford a spacious home near work. Hard working people adding extra hours on their commutes because they feel their families deserve a chance to live in a big house with a lot of land. Not only will some sort of a usage system on roads punish those already bearing the long commute, it will actually make it impossible for some people to live in a decent size home. McSweeny said the solutions won't be painless, but we've got to keep our eye on the American dream as we move forward with this debate.

So here's the question I pose to the readers- what's the matter with sprawl?

My New Favorite Blog (On the Left Anyway)

Though I've been a longtime reader and personal admirer of "Charlottesville's favorite enfant terrible" I must admit another left-of-center blogger has captured my heart. J. Sarge's New Dominion has fast become one of my favorite reads. Everyone should be checking him out everyday (if only to make sure he keeps up his recent pace of daily postings).

Larry Sabato (the original) often talks about the impact that untimely death has taken on the history of Virginia politics. On our side, we look to our beloved (and rightfully so) Richard D. Obenshain, who would've been U.S. Senator, and then would've been a figure of nationwide importance, a strong anchor for our party's conservative values, and a rallying point to help us unify in the wake of our sometimes bloody primaries. On the other side of the aisle, Sabato points to two. J. Sargent Reynolds died while holding the number two spot in VA government in 1971 (post-mortem most political observers agree he would've been Governor in 1973). State Senator Emily Couric was on her way to a Lt. Gov. bid. Though easy to characterize at first blush as a Charlottesville Liberal (so was Tim Kaine, btw) she would have been a very strong contender for that office and would have stood a fantastic shot of becoming the Commonwealth's first female governor.

P.S. Though Sabato never brings it up, the early death of Governor Dalton clearly had an impact on the Republican party in the late 1980s and even today. Who else in the recent history of Virginia politics has left us before their time?

Thursday, December 22, 2005

It's Official

Mims is in as Chief Deputy Attorney General. According to the press release it is the number two post, and if Bob McDonnell can no longer serve (or resigns early to focus on his campaign for Governor in 2009...just playin, don't start hatin) then Mims would step in as Acting AG. This begs an interesting question as to why Mims, 48, would want this job. I don't think he's yet interested in retiring, and I imagine he'll be taking a stiff pay cut. For now, I'll forgo the '09 speculation and just say he's a great guy who is looking to serve the Commonwealth in a new and larger capacity than he has since 1991 (the year he first made it to the House). Good luck to future former Senator Mims, and thank you for your continued service to the Commonwealth.

Of course, now all of tooconservative's and NLS's posts on the 33rd mean something. This is the first special election that will grab the full attention of the NoVA party players. This is also the first election where it's hard to tell whether it will be a Conservative pickup, a Dem pickup or a Conservative-but-not-quite-as-conservative-as-Ken-Cuccinelli retention.

Tony Dungy's Son

Eighteen year old James Dungy was found dead in an apartment in Florida on Thursday...apparently of natural causes. Tony Dungy is one of the class acts of the one is more noble or dignified. My heart goes out to him and his family over this Christmas season that has turned into a nightmare for them.

Update: It now appears that Dungy's death may have been a suicide. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Dungy family.


In Bob McDonnell's victory...and holding 2 of 3 statewide seats.

In my birthday tomorrow.

In the biggest birthday of them all on the 25th...and just enjoying the Christmas season in general. Spent all yesterday shopping the Short Pump area...that place is amazing. It's like it has sprung up over night.

Get off the internet and get your mind off politics you sick sick people...

Go Skins on Saturday baby!!! I feel a win coming...prediction, 26-17.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

The End of "Brochure Bills"

The December 11th House GOP caucus meeting makes me feel good to be a Republican. If I closed my eyes I'd think it was 1994 all over again. Why? Because the decision to let the House dispose of bills in subcommittee rather with the committee chair's consent is a great victory for efficiency in government. Bob Gibson, the single point of light of the Charlottesville Daily Progress, reports on the change in this hilariously titled piece from Monday. The editors at the Progress aren't as elated as I am, and they take it to task in this op-ed from Tuesday.

The folks over at the regress aren't out of line, even if their strained canine conceit is atrocious. Anytime a group goes for a seemingly sub rosa power-grab alarm bells should go off in the heart of every Republican and classically liberally minded fellow. I don't think this should be viewed as a power grab. I think that House Majority Leader Morgan Griffith (R-Salem) was being honest when he said this is merely a way to keep "Brochure Bills", those that are "not ready for primetime" introduced only to get good press back at home (and fit neatly into a reelection brochure) should take up less of the General Assembly's space-time and energy and be dispatched the first time they are heard, not the second. Giving more authority to the subcommittee will ensure that the full committees have more time to craft quality legislation.

While clearly abuses will occur (it's politics) and someone will always be upset when even a "real dog" is put down (it's politics) this action demonstrates a clear commitment to making the system work better. Brochure bills aren't something only introduced by the minority.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Brief aside from the recount...

Two absolutely amazing articles on the death penalty by Gary Becker and Richard Posner on how the death penalty actually does have a deterrent effect.


We finished with a net gain of 2 for McDonnell in Fluvanna, which was one of the handful of localities with the mechanical lever machines.

We also picked up 15 in Lynchburg City.

Recount Totals

From personal knowledge, I know that Manassas City and Manasass Park City remained the same after the recount. Earlier, I had heard that there was no net change in Prince William County, but now over at one of the comments on Commonwealth Conservative, someone is saying that Deeds picked up 119 in Prince William which is just scary. Three changes like that and this recount swings to Deeds. I hope that's inaccurate.

Lunenburg County remained the same.

Waynesboro City was a pickup of one for the McDonnell campaign.

Fluvanna County is ongoing.

Bush's Approval Ratings Up to 47%

Pretty surprised and pleased by this ABC poll!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

F-22 Operational

I plan to get a ride in an F-22 one of these days. Glad to see Shaun Kenney keeping up with the future of air warfare.

Wish I were just retired Air Force Chief of Staff General Jumper, who got to fly it right before he retired this fall. He "shot down" 8 F-16's in the training mission.

And now for something completely different......

Unlike most political bloggers (but exactly like most personal bloggers), I generally take my inspiration from my own personal thoughts and experiences in the game rather than commenting on the mainstream media. However, some thoughts popped into my head while perusing over the Post (I never have enough time to read the major papers as I would like) and watching ABC World News Tonight (which, I swear to God, just happened to be on. I miss you Bernie Shaw).

1) There was an interesting article on interfaith groups pushing for greater regulation of tobacco products. I think this is quntissential example of the ongoing struggle between the more-libertarian minded fiscal conservatives of the party and the social conservative wing (which by far has the clout). Although our woes are played up to a great deal in the media, I think that for the time being this is a sustainable coalition. However, as more and more shared policy goals are met, these things will start popping up. Stay tuned.....

2) ABC News had two interesting segments that seemed (in my mind, at least, interconnected). First off was a typical piece on the Iraq War and President Bush's problems in its execution, particularly in regards to the recent domestic survelliance scandal. Later in the program was a piece on how people are taxed by localities for rental cars. Naturally this may not mean anything, but could this be a subtle commentary on how appealing Libertarian (big-l intentional) ideology may be, even if its really not sustainable in any practical sense?

The Invitation

My invitation to Bill Bolling's inaugural festivities arrived the other day (in both paper and digital format), and two things popped out at me.

1) Why are the tickets to the Abingdon event (in Southwest Virginia, arguably one of Virginia's most impoverished areas) only $35, when ostensibly it should a cookie cutter of the other dinner affair?

2) How come Hampton Roads and the Shenandoah Valley (a GOP stronghold that still faithfully ran a 72 Hour operation like noneother, though deliberations are far from finished on the effectiveness) are being left out of this?

No (D) Position on the War- Good or Bad?

....for the (R)'s that is. When I first heard about Rep. Nancy Pelosi's comments yesterday my id high-fived my ego and I felt a little bit sunnier about the GOP's chances in 2006. Then I realized that they might finally be taking the right advance. I think Rahm Emmanuel's got a gameplan that might get them to the majority, and a big part of that would be avoiding getting his new guys bogged down in foreign policy and war on terror debates. He's running around the country "practically kidnapping candidates (according to one Democratic friend of mine)" and maybe he's promising them they won't get painted as some anti-war "nut."

At the same time, if there is angst about the war (and there is) and unease about Bush's handling of it(which there is, but probably not as much as the Post would have us believe) shouldn't the Democrats be taking advantage of that in their last chance to run against President Bush?

Of course, Pelosi forced herself into this weird diversity-of-message position by even stepping out on Iraq in the wake of Jack Murtha's statements. Howard and Nancy really messed it up for the Democrats. You had Jack Murtha, a genuine American hero, and undoubtedly, a staunch supporter of our troops and the military, turning into an outspoken critic on the war. We were never going to be able to hang the cut-and-run label on a guy like Murtha (especially considering he wasn't even calling for a cut and run) but we've already done it to Dean, Pelosi, Kerry, and many other liberal Ds who are all to eager to make rash and harmful statements for the cheap pops of the left wing audience right in front of them.

In the end, I think no unified democratic position on the war in re: the midterms is a smart move. What does everyone else think?

They Don't Wear Wooden Shoes.

The sets "Fans of The West Wing " and "committed blogaholics" probably have significant overlap. As I'm sure everyone knows, actor John Spencer passed away of a heart attack on Friday. For conservatives, White House Chief of Staff Leo McGarry frequently provided the most articulate voice for their positions, particularly on national defense (in the Season Two episode "The Drop-In" Leo proves unflappable in the face of liberal cynicism as he pushes for a national missile shield) In Seasons Three and Four they character became a strong advocate for a brutal and severe war on terror. This neocon turn may have been intended by Sorkin and O'Donnell to lampoon American arrogance towards Middle Eastern countries, but I'll never forget this line from "Game On" when discussing Saudi stand-in pseudo-nation "Qumar":

"I can't pretend like Qumar is our quaint little allies whose culture it is important to be tolerant of. They don't wear wooden shoes."

Rest in peace Mr. Spencer. And thanks for the good memories.

Friday, December 16, 2005

The Budget is Live

Go here to read Governor Warner's speech. Go here to take a gander at the documents.

The highlight of the speech. Under "Challenges Remain" headline "Education" we get this gem:
Earlier this year, I went to India, leading a business delegation on a trade mission. As I visited that country—which is undergoing explosive change—I saw a number of things that speak to where we are as a state… as opposed to where we need to be.

A dozen examples jump to mind. But the one that really stands out -- more than the Taj Mahal or the high tech industry that is being spawned almost overnight -- is a visit we made to one of the worst slums in Delhi.

Dirt floors . . . no running water . . . kids being sent out to beg to feed their families instead of going to school.

I was of course struck by the crushing poverty. But I also saw something the locals call the “hole in the wall.”

It is a cinder block building covered by a corrugated tin roof, where computers have been placed into a hole in a concrete wall. No teachers. No instruction. Just put there. The computers were turned on in the morning and turned off at night. And, every day the kids wrestled over who would use the computers first.

You wouldn’t have believed it. I met a kid named Sameer who asked me how to spell my name so he could “Google” me, so he could see whether I was somebody important.

He, and all the others, knew how to e-mail and IM. They were doing basically the same things on the computer that my girls do at home.

A lot of these kids are truly remarkable and I pray they do well.

This experience said a lot to me about what is going on in India -- a country poised between two worlds, between past and future -- between dire poverty and cutting-edge technology.

But where it really resonated is this.

It told me in a very real, very personal way that the race is on for the future. The central question is -- Who’s going to own it? … and who’s going to get there first?

At the RPV Advance in Hot Springs VA a few weekends ago, I made a quick trip to the bustling metropolis of Bath County (I apologize if it's actually in Alleghany) Covington. On Route 220 south I noticed that I was in "Virginia's Technology Corridor." While this was an awkward (and probably completely fabricated) anecdote. It hits on a serious note. Service sector jobs of the highest technological caliber will move across the ocean with less muscle-power than trinkets and sneakers. I agree with Governor Warner 100%.

Fear Sameer.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Times Dispatch Censoring Church Ads?

This was forwarded to me, and I'm not sure what Media General's legal team is thinking here. This seems like political correctness run amok:

Dear Friends,
Thought you might be interested in this. I am a pastor of a small Evangelical Christian church located in a suburb of
Richmond Va. Our church is looking to hire someone as an accompanist, Yesterday, Dec. 5, 2005, I tried to place a help-wanted advertisement in the large Richmond daily newspaper "The Richmond Times Dispatch". I had my secretary send them the copy for the ad which read as follows: "Vibrant growing Jesus-loving congregation looking to hire a talented pianist/organist for Sunday morning worship services and evening choir practices. Pray about it, then send your resume to...(our address) "

We received a call back form the paper saying they would not run the advertisement unless we dropped the words "Jesus- loving" and "Pray about it". I asked to speak to a supervisor who confirmed that this was, in fact, their position, so I asked her to send me a letter stating their objections and why these phrases were being rejected. She told me that she would have to check with the company attorney about that but she would get back with me later in the day. A couple of hours later she called back and told me that she had spoken with the Media General attorney, (the Times-Dispatch is owned by Media General, a large media conglomerate based here in Richmond), and he had advised them to tell me that they would not run our ad if we used the words "Jesus- loving" or "pray about it" in the text. He also advised them not to send me a letter or put any of this in writing. (I guess they fear a law suit?)

What blows my mind is this: This paper prints so-called "personal" ads where people can openly advertise that they are looking for homosexual sex or adulterous relationships. They print display ads in the sports section every day for the local strip clubs..but according to them I can't describe our church as "Jesus-loving." That just doesn't make much sense to me! Isn't that sort of the definition of a Christian church? We love Jesus. Anyway I'm not quite sure what my next step is. I'm praying about how to address this obvious discrimination in a way that brings glory to Christ and leads people to faith in Him. Please pray about how this might be used for the Kingdom in a positive way. You are welcome to forward this to anyone you think might be interested.


David A. Crisp
Sr. Pastor,
Hanover Evangelical Friends Church
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

Southside U- Class of 07?

Not quite. The New College Institute of Virginia put out a press release this morning detailing a little bit of the plan to establish a 4 year undergraduate institution of higher education in/around Martinsville.

Stage one of that plan will involve bringing "baccalaureate degree granting programs to the area as soon as 2007." This will be done through cooperation with existing four year universities. Since I've yet to find this article in any linkable place I'll block quote the juicy center of the press release:

Specifically, in the first of the two stages, beginning in 2007, the New College Institute would offer classes at NCI facilities through existing colleges and through NCI faculty members. During the second stage, from 2007-2012, NCI would report to SCHEV on the development of the New College into a baccalaureate college or branch campus, as appropriate.

During this transition period until 2012, the New College Institute would focus its curriculum on students who have completed an associate’s degree program at a community college, such as Patrick Henry Community College, or who have completed the first or second years of an undergraduate program.

The release goes on to state that planners are looking to create some "fast-track" curricula which will help students get their b.a. or b.s. in less time than the 55 month national average (which seems really high!)

I hope to get the full release up later. Personally, I've always been uneasy with the construction of a university as a solid econoimc stimulus. It costs a lot more to run a school (primary, secondary, or higher) than it does to buy the land and build the building. Is this thing going to turn a profit (I mean, is it going to loose a lot more than most colleges?). This will not be the last we hear of the New College Institute's two-stage plan, as it will require approval by the General Assembly to get underway. Legislators would be foolish to stand in its way though. Remember, there were only two candidates to campaign on the concept of Southside U.

And right now they are the only two men we know will be taking statewide office on January 14th.

John Kerry's sense of humor?

Apparently, John Kerry tells jokes. Grrr... FrankenKerry make funny joke! People laugh!

Budget Release. 9/16 9:30 AM

Tomorrow morning in the General Assembly Building's "House Room D" Governor Warner will present his final budget to the House Appropriations and Senate Finance committees. If the lobbyists and special interest groups in your area have been at a ten so far, expect them to kick it up to eleven tomorrow.

Trade Massachusetts

I think Professor Bainbridge is on to something: Let's trade Massachusetts. I don't know about the rest of you, but I say it's a deal at twice the price. Heck, I'm even willing to throw in a player to be named later. (I'm thinking Maine, but would consider other offers)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Romney Ain't Got Nothin on Allen

Looks like Romney is gearing up for the '08 run by choosing not to run for reelection next year...bring it on.

Tim Kaine: Casanova

Tim Kaine: He's a Lover, not a Fighter
This great quote is from an article in today's WaPo regarding Kaine's "growth" plan. Maybe I'm missing something obvious, but how does restricting development closer in, whether in Richmond, NoVa or Va Beach, not lead to even more suburban spread in the outer counties? Take, for instance, DC. If the jobs are downtown, or in Arlington, that's where the jobs are, regardless of where the people working them are. The result is that people commute in from as far away as West Virginia (~2 hours each way). Wouldn't it be better to build more houses, townhouses and even high rise apartments to allow people to live in closer? Also, wouldn't a higher density allow for better mass transit options? What am I missing here?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Here's to your health

Much better coverage has been given to the topic, but I am completely fascinated by the newly proposed Medicaid legislation coming out of the House Republican Caucus. I've already been hearing reports of legislators returning to their offices to find voicemails filled to the brim with messages regarding changes (although many seem to reference "the Congressman" and the House legislation, as to be expected from misguided astroturf). I think this may become one of the big issues of the session, particularly since the House beat the Governor to the punch on a plan.

I'm particularly intrigued by the medical savings account plan, something I've been interested since I heard President Bush bring it up on the stump in 2004. I think if we're going to have a societal safety net, there's nothing wrong (and perhaps we even have an obligation) to provide those who are more disadvantaged with the same benefits of the open market as others. However, I am confused that the plan seems to reference "a" private-run plan, not "one of several." Is this implying a state-condoned monopoly running aside the Medicaid program? I'm also quite interested in these health courts. What do you all think? Will this simply create more bueracracy or will it actually save money in the long-run by reforming torts in a substantial way? This could be one of those rare ideas where larger government could pay-off, like a full-time legislature (although that has its downsides as well).

Being There

Having gotten the all-clear from my bodyguard, I can now return to regular posting. I know that the time has essentially passed for such observations, but I have one final anectdote from the Advance involving a topic of much dicussion here at SST, the presumed '08 Senate Primary.
Perhaps it is merely a function of being a Congressman, but Bob Goodlatte's names have been amongst those thrown out to be in possible contention should John Warner retire. Personally, I think that while Goodlatte is a great legislator and could probably win, he just doesn't bring alot to the table in a race that could be critical should the Dems find a top notch candidate. Plus, he'd make a great chair of Judiciary, that being the rumour for the next round of committee shake-ups.

However, I think that Saturday night's Davis-Davis-Goodlatte suite put the nail in the speculation coffin in two ways. Not only did he dare to co-sponsor a suite with one Rep who certainly isn't running and one who just about already is, but there was an amusing scene around 10 o'clock. As the Congressman stood essentially in the middle of the room, everyone had their backs turned to him. Not purposely of course, but he was the center of the universe without any attention being paid to him. Perhaps this is the role best fitting the Representative: a pivotal legislative player who just doesn't need to do much politicking anymore.

Special Elections- In the Name of the Commonwealth

"NOW THEREFORE, in the name of the Commonwealth, you are hereby required to cause an election to be held in your said County on Tuesday, January 3, 2006, for a member of the House of Delegates of Virginia to fill the vacancy. The last day for filing as a candidate for such office in said election shall be Friday, December 16, 2005, at 5:00 p.m." --- Governor's 12/12 News Release

The date has been set for the two special elections (which we know we need to have). Tuesday January 3rd voters in Caroline, Essex, Hanover, King and Queen, King William, Middlesex, and Spotsylvania counties will head to the polls to select a successor to "Fireball" Bill Bolling. And down in the fightin' 9th voters in Buchanan (Buck-a-non, right?), Russell, and Tazewell will select a replacement for the Honorable Jackie Stump who has resigned.

Now I want to be Governor someday just so I can make proclamations in the name of the Commonwealth.

When did Jackie Stump resign?

Brilliant Legal Minds

Quote of the day: "Thirty-six leading law schools, on the assumption that doing so would help them, have just advised the United States Supreme Court that contemporary American legal education bears meaningful comparison to a Klan assembly."

This comes from an article about the case of Rumsfeld v. FAIR, in which law schools argue that being forced to allow the military to recruit on equal footing with other employers as a condition of federal aid to their Universities violates their First Amendment rights. Never mind that the same law schools are free to protest those appearances, or make clear they don't agree with "Don't Ask, Don't Tell", or even refuse the government aid. FAIR's position seems to be that the government shouldn't be allowed to attach conditions to the federal aid, even though this was a tactic they were extremely fond of when it came to forcing schools to institute affirmative action (think Grove City).
Frankly, as the article notes, it makes me wonder about the value of my legal education.

Davis for Senate?

The results of Too Conservative's online poll are in, with a "resounding" win for Congressman Davis. As I noted in an earlier post, regardless of how this turns out, if it means the VA GOP can finally talk about how to manage the "two wings" of the party (and maybe the two sides can talk to each other), I don't care how the actual race turns out.

Give us Ramsey! Or better yet, Schaub!

Though it pains my heart, I'm calling out Coach Joe Gibbs. I never thought this day would come, though to be fair I never thought Coach Gibbs would (1) abandon a player who showed our team such loyalty and (2) tolerate a quarterback who plays this poorly.
In case the title of this post doesn't make it clear, I'm calling for a return of Patrick Ramsey. You remember Ramsey, right? He was the Redskins quarterback during the last year of Spurrier's fun-and-gun-and-lose. If you still don't remember, just picture that guy who was always lying on his back. I thought that might jog your memory. Patrick Ramsey was the guy who stuck it out that whole season, despite getting sacked nearly as many times as David Carr. He actually got injured from being sacked so many times, and still he suited up for each game. And to reward this loyalty, the Redskins picked up. . . Mark Brunell.
Now, I know Mark Brunell was a good Jaguars QB back in the late 90's, when his legs still worked. But now-adays, Mark Brunell plays well approximately 1 game in 4, and has more success completing the ball to the other team than the burgundy-and-gold. Not that Patrick Ramsey will ever be a Pro Bowl quarterback. Neither was Doug Williams, or Mark Rypien, and yet the Redskins won with those guys. And I'm man enough to admit that if the Redskins had replaced Ramsey with a big name draft pick, a younger QB they were grooming to be the franchise quarterback, I wouldn't be writing this. But they didn't. The Redskins rewarded Ramsey's loyalty with a man nearly old enough to be my father.

This brings me to the second half of the title. The Redskins need a franchise quarterback, a younger player who can lead this program for years to come. Hopefully, though I chastised him above, those years will be with Coach Gibbs at the helm, and a big time running back in the backfield. What the Redskins need is a strong-armed, mature pocket passer who can control the ball, which is what a Gibbs offense needs, more Big Ben than Michael Vick. Fortunately, the Commonwealth's flagship University has produced just such a passer in Matt Schaub. He's tall, mature for his years, and a local boy with a ready-made fan base. He's riding the pine behind Vick in Atlanta, and likely will be for years to come. Let's pick him up before he gets a chance to play and drives his market value through the roof. Now, if we can just figure out how to get the next incarnation of John Riggins...

New Defense Secretary . . . Joe Lieberman?

Secretary Lieberman?
Though this is actually from Friday's edition of Slate, it does raise some interesting questions about the Democratic Party's stance on the war. To be fair, it also highlights a serious Republican weakness if quoting a Democrat is the White House's best response.
For all you conspiracy theorists out there, it allows this interesting possibility: With the success of Sharon's new centrist party after his leaving Likud. . . McCain/Lieberman in '08?

Friday, December 09, 2005

This is why we fought to reelect Bush

Great article in Washington's premier newspaper today about John Bolton's line in the sand approach towards his job as our man at the "United" Nations. The article is about the fact that our GOP congress is going to back him up, but I think it is a greater credit to our president. It makes me feel glad I spent all that time making phone calls and organizing volunteers in 2004. There's no doubt that without Bush in office we would not have Bolton, or a Bolton-esque figure, in the job. Go get 'em, Johnny.

In Defense of Kate Griffin

In the wake of Jerry Kilgore's loss at the polls last month, as well as the loss of a couple seats in the House of Delegates, there has been some understandable finger-pointing going on within the GOP about who is to blame for these setbacks. Some have suggested that our party chairman, Kate Obenshain Griffin, is responsible and have gone so far as to call for her ouster. I feel that these calls are grossly misguided for a number of reasons.

First of all, Kate has performed admirably under an extremely difficult set of circumstances. Kate was brought in to run the party in the wake of the eavesdropping scandal that cost Gary Thomson, Ed Matracardi and others their jobs and cost RPV $950,000 in a settlement that doesn't include legal fees, court costs and the like. Since that time, Kate has rallied the party faithful, brought major donors back to the table and allowed us to remain competitive despite the type of setback that would kill a weaker organization. Thus, we need to remember what a precarious situation she was brought into.

Secondly, Kate has the support of our party leaders. You'll remember it was George Allen and Jerry Kilgore who turned to Kate in the first place and asked her to serve. No one would have blamed Kate for saying "no thanks" and staying in Winchester with her family. Fortunately for us, Kate cares about our party too much to stand by watching the GOP marginalize itself. Those who have worked with her know her to be hard-working, knowledgable, and committed to the shared principles of our Party and Commonwealth.

Finally, Kate is a powerful voice for the Virginia Republican Party. Not only does her name resonate with Virginians, but she has also been a forceful advocate for the VA GOP. In 2004 Kate served on the platform committee at the National Convention and she also was one of the GOP's most outspoken critics of Mark Warner's proposed tax increase at a time when many Republicans were unwilling to do so. There is no doubt that the budget debate put a tremendous strain on our Party, but thanks in part to Kate's strong leadership, we maintain control in the General Assembly and will likely hold two of the three statewide offices. For those who wish to claim that Kate was not hardline enough against those in our party who supported the tax raise, you are not in possession of the facts. She was outspokenly against those tax hikes at the risk of losing support of members of her party who were of not as strong a conviction.

Certainly the Chair of the Party organization takes some responsibility for our losses, and I believe Kate has accepted that. However, I also feel that replacing her at this time would be foolish and premature. Frankly, our Party fared pretty well in a very difficult political atmosphere this year. If we continue to lose ground in '06 and '07 then a change may be necessary, but as of now I am very proud to have Kate Obenshain Griffin representing our Party and I firmly believe she is the best person to continue to do so for the forseeable future.

Quite the Compliment

Let me start my SST blogging career by thanking Old Zach and the other members of SST for allowing me to join what is one of the preeminent Commonwealth blogs. In the days ahead, I look forward to being a part of what is quickly becoming the next generation of information dissemination, the indepent blog. While it is too soon to tell what the long-term effect blogging may have on political campaigns here in the Commonwealth, so far the ability to quickly fact-check and provide opinions outside of the MSM, it can only be positive.
A little about myself, or as much as is possible for an anonymous blogger. I was born and raised in Northern Virginia, and despite the jokes, consider myself both a native Virginian and a Northern Virginian. Additionally, though I'm sure you were already thinking it, I'm probably less conservative than the other members of SST on most issues. I chose the pseudonym "Madisonian" because I think it describes my philosophy towards politics: Remain true to your ideology, but recognize that governing is often about convincing and compromising. It's not enough just to believe in a principle; sometimes you have to find a way to compromise without losing the core of what you want.
While I'm sure not all agree, I think we will see the debate on this writ large in the coming year, as the Commonwealth's GOP comes face to face with the reality that our largest population centers (NoVa, Richmond, Va Beach) are trending back towards the center, or at least away from partisanship. Success is statewide politics may depend on an ability to make conservative ideals palatable to groups outside our base. At the very least, a Davis v. Gilmore primary would be a perfect example of this.
Again, thanks to the other members of SST for their warm welcome, and I look forward to contributing.

The Other Recount

Tyler Whitley at the RTD let's us know that the Marrs/Waddell race in Chesterfield's 68th will be settled on the same day as the AG race (December 20th). Marrs was defeated by 42 votes out of 26,886 cast. That's a larger margin than the AG race, but just as the AG recount is dangerously close for our guy, this one is similarly close for Waddell. As for who Waddell will sit with in the 06 session, I'm more than happy to wait till noon on the 20th (when this recount is expected to be done) to find out. By the way, Marrs is a Law-hoo (JD at UVA in 1985; BA from W&M 1982)so you can take a wild guess at who I'll be pulling for on 12/20.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Proud to be the Party of Lincoln

There are two African American men seeking the gubernatorial nomination of the GOP for an '06 general election. Yesterday Mr. Dotson informed me that HoFer Lynn Swann announced he'd take on the former LG and the former GOP candidate for Governor Bill Scranton (son of the GOP moderate icon from the '60s) for the nod from the PA GOP. Of course he's not the only African-American seeking statewide office in '06. Michael Steele is poised to bleed a little bit of the blue out of Maryland's Congressional Delegation when he takes Paul Sarbanes seat just over the river. And Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has been running for Governor since November 8th 2002. Blackwell is currently leading in the polls against GOP AG Jim Petro and GOP State Auditor Betty Montgomery.

I've always been proud that our Commonwealth was the first in the union to elect an African-American to be governor, even if that guy happened to have sat on the other side of the aisle. It makes sense that this American milestone came from the Old Dominion. Will the grandson of a Pakistani immigrant ever become Prime minister? Will the French ever rally behind someone of Algerian heritage? Probably not. Will an African American, whose ancestors came to this continent on a slave ship, within our lifetimes become President of the USA? Absolutely. And when she does, I believe she'll look back to men like Ken Blackwell, Doug Wilder, and Michael Steele and realize their extraordinary lives blazed her path. I'm excited to be awake enough to see it happen.

Of course, there's no affirmative action within the GOP. Both of these men have tough races ahead of them and to get to GOP nod you have to earn it. But just because Herman Cain didn't get the nomination for the '04 Senate contest in GA doesn't mean his candidacy wasn't a step forward. Blackwell, Cain, Steele, Swann (and hopefully someday soon Mr. Paul Harris) take rather large steps for themselves towards political power, but enormous leaps for the American people as a whole.

P.S. what are the good blogs to read to get a sense of what's going on in Ohio? Who is Ohio's Chad Dotson?

Here's a Lynn Swann website, note it still talks about his run for Governor in the subjunctive. But it's official alright.

Is This The Next Level Groh?

I miss George Welsh. George Welsh actually made an impact on this program. We were nothing before he got here. We'd never been to a bowl game, and had a mentality of failure. That all changed with him.

Al Groh promised to take it to the next level, but that simply hasn't happened. Times Dispatch sportswriter Bob Lipper's article today has a punishing critique of the Groh era so far, and the bad thing is that things seem to be going downhill over the course of the last four years. Is time running out? I hope not. But he's 2-10 so far against Florida schools and Tech...that's awful! 1-4 against Tech. George Welsh dominated Tech at times.

Last four years:
2002: 9-5
2003: 8-5
2004: 8-4
2005: 6-5 (with bowl game remaining)

I don't like that trend.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Stepping in it

In the sky! Is it a bird? A plane? No, its the point, once again, much to my chagrin.

My post of the CRFV Convention drew much interest (although it certainly seems odd that 7 comments seems like "much). I feel the need to clear the air considering my assesment.

Some seemed to take my post as a "revenge" post. Certainly not. Congratulations are due to Mr. Lamar. I'm sure he'll do as good a job leading the CRFV as any other recent leader, perhaps even better. We can certainly hope for that, and that every other door knocker in this state won't be old enough to buy you a beer. But I just don't see it happening. My comment regarding whether the party is better off with either candidate was meant to convey my opinion that the party would be better off with NEITHER candidate, or more importantly, no candidate.

Perhaps I was a bit hasty in my word choice in describing the Lamar suite. I will admit that there were certainly cross-overs. There was in fact a completely wasted individual in the Maloney suite, compared with the stone-cold sober PHC candidate. My point here is to offer the general vibe of the two suites as a study in the contradiction of the CRFV: a desire to do good through politics and the youthful desire for respect and individuality. One of my major interests in politics is aesthetics and style. Take that as you will.

Finally, as I tried to indicate, my problem is not with the CR chapters. Indeed, I am quite proud of Mr. Lamar's accomplishments during this last cycle. But do you ever, ever wonder if maybe, maybe he could've been doing something truly productive while planning and executing his state run? Again, I think the solution is a focus on the individual chapters, and away from any unreasonable goal of having a sentient, viable statewide organization. If you can figure it out, go for it. But do it soon. We need a solution to youth outreach by '09.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Generation Why

It had all the ups and downs of any contested convention. Competing tickets, shifting delegations, rogue delegates, late night strategy sessions, preemptive conversations about the future, last-minute defferals, and hung-over delegates. And yet somehow, I find it hard to believe that, as delegates stumbled out of the Richmond Coloseium in 1993, that they were plagued the entire drive back home with thoughts of "What was the point?" These thoughts are exactly what filled my head as I left the Homestead in the wee hours of Sunday morning after witnessing the 2005 Annual Convention of the College Republican Federation of Virginia.

A word: This article is not meant to indict the College Republican movement, nor individual members. For all their faults and foibiles (which any organization is bound to have), College Republican chapters serve a vital function on college campus, bringing together like-minded students during a vital stage in their personal development and providing a forum for our issues in what is a very unique situation, a society in unto itself, college life. Rather, I seek to explore the CRFV, and why perhaps its not accomplishing what some may think.

Allow me to set the stage for you. From all reports, Friday's meeting was the essence of what would unfold over the weekend. It had been discovered for the first time that conventions have been conducted outside of the constitution for the past several years. That is, the traditional Friday evening approval of the Rules and Credentials Committee reports by the executive board is in clear violation of Robert's Rules of Order. How fitting that an organization that sees itself as mature, seperate from the senior party, ready to take on the left, cannot even conduct its business in a manner fair to all delegates. Also fitting was that few actually cared. While one faction had been counting on this, the other barely noticed what had happened. A brief interlude occured before the real magic of the evening: the hospitality suites.

The suites for the two tickets, those of TJ Maloney and Andrew Lamar, were a study in opposites but that both show the schizophrenic nature of the College Republican Federation of Virginia. Mr. Maloney's was by far more subdued, although alcohol was served. There were discussions of weighty issues, but also of light matters between friends, a scene not unlike that which was unfolding in the suites above. Certainly they did not have security called on them thrice, but then again, they weren't next to sleeping senior citizens, a fault of the hotel. The ticket is to be comended for holding its candidates to a no drinking pledge, which they at least gave the appearance of adhering to. And yet, up an elevator, a much different scene was unfolding. Hip hop music spilled out of the door to the Lamar suite. Inebriated souls lined the bed, and the the alcohol seemed to consist of much more liquor. And yet, an amusing scene. While others schmoozed and flirted, a brave soul from Patrick Henry College, who was running for office, stood there in the middle. She had a smile on her face the entire time. This was certainly not her scene, and yet she remained. If you need a reminder of what PHC is all about, check out the article that was recently featured about the school. Is she to be comended for attempting to keep a semblance of professionalism, or condemned for consorting with depraved company?

I hesitate to do such, but the actions of one delegation stood apart, that of Mary Washington. It seemed most of them were there to support the run of their peer, Mr. Lamar. Yet their haughty words and appearance belied what may be a fundamental problem with the organization: a preemptive demand for importance and individuality. Perhaps I am merely wistful for another time, but it seems to me that things just worked better when there was a certain subservience to the cause. We stood for liberty, but we did it with class. We didn't stoop to the level of modern culture because we stood for more, timeless values. In a way the traditional red, white, and blue tie of a young Reganite defined who he was, defying popular convention to show that he believed liberty could flourish without breeding a libertine society. We worked within the movement, taking lowly positions not to further ourselves but the cause. Not even a generation ago college students stood with George Allen in our own revolution. In return we earned the respect of the party, rather than creating for ourselves. And somehow the spark seems gone. Too much focus on building power within an organization with little power due to this very reason. Its a sick cycle. Youth embarass themselves before the party elders, leading to decreased support. The CRFV, despite moving its convention to the Advance, stood apart. Although I saw some intrepid CRS from the Tech and Virginia delegations (by far the superior chapters of the state), it seemed that little interaction was occuring between the Youth and Senior wings of the party. Vapid platforms about how to communicate inactivity between chapters replaced serious discussion about how youth can play a vital role in revitalizing the party, a topic which I'm sure Kate Obenshain Griffin, a perfect example of the old model would be more than willing to discuss. And so it was on Friday night. Tickets worked late into the night on how the could win control of an organization without meaning.

So on Saturday the delegations awakened (it was only half-jokingly considered that "they have to wake up in the morning to vote") and the politicking began anew. By this point things seemed to have halted. One candidate was overheard saying that he felt "it was over then." There was some interesting wrangling. It turned out that Lamar was less than clear about his being endorsed by Bob McDonnell, who wrote what was essentially a denial letter. However, this could not stop the shifting that was occuring. There was nearly a credentials challenge, but even that couldn't be worded properly by the faction that was offering it. In the end, Maloney was denied his coveted spot. But I would say this is not the end of things for him.

One insider was quoted as saying that the organization would be just as well off with either candidate in power. The problem is, would the party be? At the end of the day, the CRFV just doesn't have the resources to provide a unified front across the state. The real action goes down on college campuses, not in rented rooms piddling over how much webspace should be bought with the CRFV's piddling dollars. Its hard enough to get individual chapters to carry through with their promises; why have another BS organization competing?

Certainly there are benefits to a statewide organization. Students can learn the basics of convention politics and earn some degree of leadership experience. But at the end of the day what is needed for the youth movement is clear focus and direction. And how can having an organization that essentially bestows titles upon other members in exchange for coming to a couple of meetings in which the major topics of discussion are the next convention and a website (which frankly is the least that the CRFV needs) help with this? I hope, I HOPE that a miracle can occur and somehow College Republicans can govern themselves. But until then, I hold that Virginia would be far better off with a Youth Outreach Director. Don't abolish the indvidual chapters, not in any sense. But please, give the responsibility to someone who really cares about this party, not themselves.

Cavs Lose Offensive and Defensive Coordinators??

Here is the Daily Progress article lauding these two guys, which I just have a hard time agreeing with. Ron Prince has been a marked step down from Gary Tranquil, with some notably horrible coached offensive games. Golden's defensive has been porous at best for the last couple years...who thinks these guys are really good?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Davis Wins Advance tug of war.

I don't know if Tom Davis will win the 2008 GOP primary for Senate (because I don't know if there will be one or if he will actually run) but talking to Advance attendees the buzz on the man from Fairfax is deafening.

Now 3 years out from a potential '08 Senate race (Warner retires or Allen becomes President) and 4 years from the '09 Governor's contest the "who's where?" game is not in full effect. But all that being said, Tom Davis' suite was packed wall to wall both nights. Gilmore's was sparsely populated most of the night on Friday, and seemingly cancelled on Saturday. Talking to other volunteers, activists and bloggers it looks like Davis came out on top for the weekend. Of course, Davis' suite was co-hosted by the other members of the VA delegation in attendance, the lovely and Honorable Jo-Ann Davis, and the Homestead's own Congressman Bob Goodlatte.
During a wonderfully intimate Congressional panel on Saturday afternoon they fielded tough and pointed questions from conservatives like John Taylor and Phil Rodokanakis. Clearly, Davis (11) was the the bulls eye. But with the same aplomb that has helped him weather many storms, Davis fired back with a strong message for our party. He seized the high ground by talking about how there are many issues that unite our base with folks outside of the base (moderates, swingables, independents, whatever you want to call them). Davis (1) and Goodlatte stood shoulder to shoulder with their colleague to the North. Goodlatte, whose conservative credentials are above reproach, fired a shot across the bow of the fire-eaters who'd like to think that we're straying too far from the base. The issued the challenge to those who'd criticize to pay attention to the real progress that is being made, to be smart and to be educated about the issues and then to become educators of others. Davis (1), also no "squish", encouraged tolerance from the fire-eaters in the room. I think it took a level of courage to admit that she could not run the type of campaign she runs in the 1st and be victorious in the 11th (or the 10th for that matter) and she did just that. Davis, Goodlatte, and Davis clearly presented a united front at the panel and at the parties. Davis has taken the early high-ground in his battle for higher office, whatever office that may be.

God Bless George Allen

Just got back from the Homestead. It was quite the experience, just a great weekend all around.

It was great to see a lot of other bloggers, spend a lot of time with people like Chad Dotson, GOPHokie, and others, anonymous and nonanonymous. Four of five SST contributors were there. We had a great time. A ton of stories and experiences to tell people, not enough time to tell them.

Chris Jenkins of the Washington Post wrote this article on Allen's lunchtime speech yesterday. Got a chance to meet Jenkins, and he seems like a really pleasant fellow. The best part about Allen's speech was him throwing the football around the ballroom after he finished while we are all cheering...quite hilarious when a few people didn't catch the ball and glasses and plates went flying.

Friday, December 02, 2005

The Revolution Will Not Be Televised

Old Zach and I are headed to the Advance later this afternoon. There will be other SST members there as well. Expect lots of new ideas to be flowing out of this website soon.

The revolution will not be televised.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Principles of Self-Defeat

There's an old adage that says that victory has a thousand fathers but that defeat is an orphan. However, it seems of late that defeat has finally been adopted. Both the blogosphere and the mainstream media seem to be aflutter with opposing claims of which faction put the nail in Jerry's coffin. Was it the conservatives or the moderates that abandoned us of Election Day? (I guess Jerry learned that lesson about being all things to all people) However, I see the problem in a different way: its a geographical one. Namely, NOVA versus everybody else.

Now, during most of the 90's and to a degree this last primary, the battling seemed to be primarily between the various geographical regions. Richmond had the power, the West was the "most Republican" etc. However, all the vitriol seems to have coalesced towards Northern Virginia. Granted, this may have a slight ideological component. Simply put, things are different between 66 and 95. The zeitgeist is totally different. They have different concerns. Being five minutes late for work in the Valley is fuel for a major argument; I'm sure its par for the course in NOVA. Its Jay-Z instead of Tim McGraw. Now this is oversimplifying things for sure, but the fact is that Northern Virginia is the least Virginian part of Virginia. Problem is, they're electing the same Governor we are out in the sticks.

This may be harsh, but this time we put up an individual who was argurably the most Virginian of recent candidates, and we lost big time. As much as we hate to admit it, he probably turned off NOVA. Maybe it was a combination of a stealth strategy on his part and a generally bad media strategy on ours, but at some point Tim Kaine just took Northen Virginia and ran away with it. We need candidates who can appeal to both the base and the centrists that compose the majority of Northern Virginia. The problem is, the Republican Party of Virginia is simply mortified by this possibility. They seem to think that Northern Virginians are somehow impure, that they simply cannot be as Republican as we are. That and they speak with an American Neutral accent or even *shudder* a northern one. But this logic is highly flawed. Let's say, hypothetically, that we had in fact nominated Chairman Sean Connaughton. Do you really think that the REAL base (not the rabid, vocal anti-tax activists) would have sat on their hands and handed him percentages in the high 50's? Highly doubtful. Despite any foibilies on his fiscal policy, the Chariman definitely would have held things together with the SoCos. AND he would've brought in those all-important centrists. But I think, that at the end of the day, primary voters were absolutely mortified by the prospect of putting "that boy from Connecticut" on their beloved ticket. Now granted, Senator Allen isn't the genuine article. But he does a darn good job passing (or converted very well). However, as much as it may pain me, as a born and bred Virginian with a humble lienage of 300 years, maybe its time to drop this litmus test of a minimum residency period. Remember, we're electing a Governor for all Virginia.

Now I'm sure that I will soon be accused of RINO coddling. But what I am suggesting here is not an abandonment of our core values. Indeed, I think that at the end of the day an efficient, liberty based government appeals to everyone. We may differ on the means, but that is a fundamental principle aligning the mainstream of our party (and I honestly think that Chichester, Stolle, Potts et al are the fringe). What I am saying is that we need to be careful on the packaging. We don't HAVE to have a NOVAian on the ticket next time, but we do have to pay attention to their sensibilities. Its simply a different ballgame there; the death penalty is not their issue, and the robocalls didn't work. Hopefully we can talk about this at the Advance (and I think Allen 2.0 may be the answer. LP-lite, anybody?).

And One More Contributor

As you may have noticed on our contributor list to the right, we have added a fifth member to SST. I am excited about the newcomer, who will be making his fifth post shortly. Wyatt Coleman will provide some excellent analysis. He's young, but solid and has a great background in the history of Virginia politics and a great background in grassroots politics.

We intend this blog to be a permanent feature on the political landscape of Virginia, and growth is a part of making that possible. We intend to take this blog in new directions in the future, and hope to continue to make an impact on the political process in Virginia.

Adding Wyatt Coleman and Goodwin is just one part of making that vision possible. Thanks for continuing to read.